Our Alma Mater...

The class of '66 was the last class to graduate from this building. The next year, a brand new High School opened its doors to succeeding classes.

The photo at the top shows the main building.

The photo at the left shows the entrance to the cafeteria. This part of the building is still there. The rest, however, is history.


The old high school building was demolished during the summer of 1999.

Today, the grand (?) old building is gone. It has been replaced by a turn-around driveway for school buses used by the elementary school. And, St. Francis Xavier (SFX) patrons also use it on Sundays for parking during church services, as the photos show.
Note that the flag pole appears to be in the same spot as in the top photo of the old building. The tree, however, has either been stunted by the long, cold, Northern Michigan winters; or, it has been replaced at some time since it appears to be about the same size at it was 35-40 years ago!

Photo Credits: Thanks to Jill (Still) Niswander, Peggy (Powers) Millard and Dave Parrish for supplying the photos of the demolition of the old PHS building and recent photos showing the vacant corner.