Name: Betsy McKnight Abbey  
Address: 310 Boutell Dr.  
  Grand Blanc, MI 48439  


(810) 695-4793  
Spouse or Significant Other Mike  
Profession: School Social Worker  
Spouse's Profession: Corrections Manager  

Sarah - age 23, Pamela - age 22, Brenda - age 20

Grandchildren: None  

Biography: I'll keep this short as today is the cutoff day according to Dave.Well, I always did put off any writing assignments as long as possible.

After graduating from PHS, I spent 6 years at MSU. First to get a BS in psychology and then a MSW. I put myself through grad. school with a teaching assistantship and by eating as many meals as possible at Mike's parents' house. I had met Mike the winter of my senior year at a party. He had long hair and a beard - so you can see the attraction. We were married the fall of 1972 and I was working at a mental health clinic in Ohio. After a couple a years there, I worked in protective services in Toledo. When Mike was promoted, we relocated to Bay City, Mi. and I was lucky to walk into another clinical position.

In 1977 we had our first child, Sarah. Our other two girls were born soon after and I did not return to work until Brenda, the youngest was three. Then I had a private practice in Grand Blanc. When the girls were all school age, I wanted a job with hours simular to theirs and took a position as a school social worker in Birch Run . No, I do not hang out at the Mall, but I do like my job other than the drive.

Mike and I were always involved with the girls and their activites. They were all on the swim team - so we were timers, scorers and the like. We have been active with a downtown Methodist Church in Flint so the girls could have friends other than just those from Grand Blanc. We are still active in the choir - Mike has a great voice and I socialize! We have done some travel - but I still want to get to Ireland. In the summer, Mike plays golf and I garden ( mow the lawn ). We still have the cabin in Carp Lake and enjoy the quiet and the cool north air. In the winter, we attend many great MSU basketball games!!

We are very proud of our daughters and their accomplishments. Sarah graduated from Alma with high honors in biochem. She is in a doctorial program now at U of Minn., trying to find a prevention for heart disease. Pamela just graduated this spring from the James Madison college at MSU with honors and a double major. She is now working in the Gov. office in Lansing and planning her next move. Brenda is in her 2nd year at Western majoring in Speech Path. We miss them and try to keep in touch regularly.

Feeling the need for some excitment, we recently got a puppy - an English Setter. She is very pretty - but a real handful.

In our spare time, we dream of retirement. This will not be happening any time soon. I'm looking forword to seeing you this weekend.

Thank you, Dave for providing this great web site!