Name: Bill Jewitt  
Address: 929 Red Sandstone Rd., #15A  
  Vail, CO  


(970) 476-9336  
Spouse or Significant Other check with me at the re-union; working on this  
Profession: Restaurant owner  

Biography: This shouldn't take long. Flunked out of NCMC; joined the army for 4 years as a code breaker, 2 in Nam and 1 in Japan. Returned to NCMC and graduated from MSU with a degree in International Politics. Moved to Denver for 2 years working in retail. Moved to Vail for the summer in 1976 and been here ever since. Never married and no children. I ski rarely and play golf more. Have a dog that loves to hike in the mountains and even climbed a four-teener (14000 ft mountain) with me. I'm active in business organizations and considering a run for town council.

Doing some serious work on the significant other aspect of my life this summer ( I guess we're never too old.)

Hope to see everyone in September.